BUG FIX REPORT FOR ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III version 3. Greetings. It has come to my attention that there have been several Enigma's Nightmare III bugs reported through internet. Although I do not have internet access, these reports get to me sooner or later by various means. To all those who listed bugs on the net, THANK YOU! It's nice to know people like the Nightmare episodes enough to document bugs. It shows folks take an interest in our poor efforts, and helps us to find and fix errors. We also want to thank everybody for sitting tight while we got things fixed! Before we get to the bugs, let's answer some problems & questions: CONCERNING THE VERSION OF WOLFENSTEIN 3D THAT WORKS WITH EN-III..... FIX.... You need the shareware version 1.4 of Wolf3D to run EN-III. Yes, we know we said it would work with other versions, but we were wrong...ok? CONCERNING SOUND PROBLEMS WITH EN-III...... Somebody in Helsinki calling themselves Henrikki writes: > "I try to run LOADNM03.EXE (or something) and everything is fine until > I press the appropriate number to load SB support ... It says something > about 'error initialising driver'!!! > I moved the CT-VOICE.DRV (or something) to both my SB directory and WOLF > directory with no luck..." FIX.... It's not enough to have the CT-VOICE driver in any directory. The driver must be loaded into memory in order to work. Try to re- install your Sound Blaster software from your original software disks using Creative Lab's own installer program. Next, refer to your SB manual to see exactly how to install the CT-VOICE driver when the machine is booted, from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. I suspect if you have installed the software correctly to begin with, it ought to be already set to do so. Good luck. CONCERNING THE X-RATED GRAPHICS FOR EN-III..... Scott Patterson writes: > "I realize that the X-Rated graphics aren't out, BUT could someone tell > me if they ever are going to be released?" Ok, Scott, here it is from the horse's mouth....NO! They will not be released. Due to a drive crash which nuked the graphics files I created, I would've had to start from scratch. Also, since I can't find a sound editor which works with the shareware version of WOLF, (that's what held the release up before I lost my graphics), I cannot put in the correct sound effects that would've made the whole thing worthwhile. Lastly, we have decided not to create any more add-ons for the shareware version of WOLF. See the end of this document for details. Meanwhile, we have removed the X-graphics load option from EN-III version 3. We may consider doing x-graphics for the registered version of Wolfenstein in the future. CONCERNING EN-III EPISODE 2 (aka nightmare 2) LEVEL 4.....BLOW UP? Francis Bruening writes: > "I have been running the enigma maps, and have been having a great time > with them." Thanks, Francis. We aim to please! Message continues: > "In the second set of maps on level 4, I start the level and blow up....." > "..... Restarting didn't help....." By "blow up" I assume you mean die? If so, be aware there is a niche to your right when you start the level which is crammed FULL of SS guards. They'll whack your butt in an instant if you don't get a move on and get out of their way! NOW ON TO OTHER THINGS...... The bugs mentioned on the net were as follows: CONCERNING EN-III EPISODE 2 (aka nightmare 2) LEVEL 5..... Darcy Boese writes: > "In Enigma II on level 5 in Death Incarnate mode, it crashes back to DOS. > It looks like there are too many nasties on that level for the game to > handle." Well, Darcy, it looks that way to us too. That's really a shame too, since this is the level in that episode which offers the most challenge! FIX.... Frank The Rabbit (creator of the level) cannot be reached for help or comment. However I went through and removed several dozen guards and fixed an inaccessable key bug. Then I played the level through at death incarnate level with no problems. It should work now. We hope you like the level, BUT.... Hang onto your shorts! You'll need to be B-A-D to get through this in Death Incarnate mode! CONCERNING EN-III EPISODE 3 (aka nightmare 3) LEVEL 10..... (Which we assume to mean the "secret Level)................ Continuing the above message, Darcy Boese adds: > "In Enigma III on level 10 there are locked doors, and after much > frustration I checked using "wmap" where the locations of the keys were, > and discovered that there is_no_way to get either key." To which Stanley Stasiak replies in the same post: > "Yeah, I tried that one too. Looks like they put one more locked door > too many...unless it's a nasty joke." FIX.... You are correct as far as the bugs go. We have moved the blue key out in front of the locked elevator doors where it belongs. We have also replaced a blue locked door with an unlocked one so that one can get to the maze in which the yellow key is hidden. In short, both keys may now be accessed (via different routes) from the room in which you begin the level, though both are still hidden behind secret panels. As for this being a "nasty joke" we have always tried to take pains to make sure the game is playable to the bitter end. This wasn't a joke, simply a "test scenerio" to see if we could get guards to open doors. We simply forgot to fix it before release. Sorry. LASTLY..... This is the final fix (and version) of ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III. We have discontinued the NIGHTMARE series. We have heard that Apogee is at odds with such programs as this, because they feel they are losing income as a result. (Why should people pay for commercial versions of Wolf, when programs such as this give them new episodes for free?) Thinking it over, we find we must agree. Since our main goal is to entertain and not to rob other's wallets, we will no longer create add-ons for shareware versions of WOLF3D or SOD, nor will we continue to update the Nightmare series. NOTE: this includes a halt on the release of the X-graphics for EN-III. Users will just have to live with any bugs and exclusions found in this version. HOWEVER.... Look for release of new maps, graphics and x-graphics for the registered version of Wolfenstein in the near future. Since only people who have already paid for the Wolfenstein will be able to play these future add-ons, there is no loss of income to anyone....unless you happen to be running a pirate version of Wolf. In which case we sincerely wish you a speedy and final hard drive crash. Regards, ENIGMA-13 9/1993 SPECIAL GREETS: TO: Stanley Stasiak, author of WOLFENSTEIN-3D FAQ: We've been following your FAQ releases with great interest. We feel this is the definitive how-to info text for WOLF! GOOD WORK! We noticed with some pride that you awarded ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III with your 5 star (suicidal) rating, and that EN-III is the only add-on so rated, (as of this date 09/25/93). Thank you! We just hope it was due to playability and graphics originality, and not awarded on the basis of the level 5 or 10 "suicide bugs" mentioned above........... We look forward to seeing what you think of EN-III version 3 and hope some kind sole on the net is nice enough to shoot you a copy (hint-hint). Regards, E-13